2021 It's Pastel! Online National Show Virtual Exhibition
It is our pleasure to share with you our exciting National Exhibition! While it's a joy seeing the works in person, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, like many other social gatherings, we have moved to a safer online option as a way to still celebrate a year of great work in the pastel arts.
Please Join us for our live Awards Ceremony via Webinar! It will be Saturday Nov. 6 at 4pm EST. Here's the link : Awards Reception
Below is our gallery showcasing all accepted pieces. Click on the picture of the piece to reveal the whole work. This year's Juror of Selection was Vianna Szabo. As we had over 300 entries, she was tasked with selecting only 84 to be included in this year's show.
Great thanks to Shuk Susan Lee as the Show Chair, Keith Demanche as the co-chair, and to Susanne Larkham, the Webmaster. All works in the exhibit are available for purchase! Please contact Shuk Susan Lee (suel404@gmail.com) directly and she will assist in connecting the buyer to the artist.
And the Prize goes to...
Award Winners Video
People's Choice Award
The votes have been tallied
and the
People's Choice Award
goes to Donna Roy for
"Water Lilies"
Congratulations Donna!
You win a free entry to
"It's Pastel!" 2022

84 Accepted Works
Recorded Awards Reception
Enjoy the Exhibition! Clicking on any of the square thumbnail images will open up a slide show to showcase the paintings in their their full dimension vs. the cropped image for the display. A Downloadable PDF of the Exhibit Including the Winners was created by Keith Demanche and is available Here: It's Pastel 2021
“It’s Pastel! ”
13th Annual National Juried Exhibition
And ... A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors