2023 18th Annual Member Exhibition
It is our pleasure to share with you this year's member exhibition! Our show in Peterborough at the Monadnock Center for History & Culture. We divided the judging into 2 categories, Member and Signature Circle. We felt that to truly promote the work of new members, we wanted to create more opportunity for recognition and prizes to encourage active pursuit of the medium.
Acknowledgements: We would like to express our appreciation to our Juror of Awards, Tom Bailey. He judged the show in person and took such great care in selecting this year's winners. Special Thanks also goes to the donors of some of our prizes: Judy McKenna, Sally Shea, & Marilyn Bok, and Tom Bailey. This show would not have come together without the efforts of our show chair Paula Fraser (and her appropriately named husband: Art!) and her assistants, Peggy & Michelle who helped hang the show, and to Bernadette Quirk for facilitating & narrating the Paint Around.
The opening was well attended many award winners present. The Paint Around was a joy to watch and ended up raising nearly $900 donated to the venue. Thanks to our participating artists: Lisa Regopoulos, Keith Demanche, Joelle Feldman, & Ann Gillespe. Special Thanks to Lisa's husband Spyleos for filming the paint around.
And the Winners Are...
People's Choice Award
President's Message
The Votes have been tallied!
And we have a tie!
2023 People Choice Awards
go to . . .
by Maryann Mullet
Red Canoe by
Terri Brooks