2024 Member Show
PSNH 19th Annual
Member’s Exhibition

Awards Judge
Cindy House, IAPS-Master Circle, PSA-Master Pastelist
Society of Animal Artists, Signature Member, Hudson Valley Art Assn.

Monadnock Center for History and Culture
Bass Hall
19 Grove St. Peterborough, NH
Web site: The Monadnock Center
This show is open to all active Pastel Society of New Hampshire members.
Please note our member show is now using www.showsubmit.com to process member applications and accept application fees.
PLEASE... Do not send your payment to Paula (PSNH show chair).
Exhibition Dates:
June 15 - July 26, 2024
Important Dates:
May 1, 2024, Entry opening date
June 8, 2024, Deadline for entry
June 12, 10-4, Delivery of Paintings to Peterborough
June 13, Show Hanging
June 15, Show Opens!
June 15 (Sat) Reception, Awards Presentation, PAINT AROUND in the gallery
July 26, Show Closes
July 27, 10am - 1pm, Painting Pick Up
Eligible work and Information
* All work must be at least 80% soft pastel.
* Work must be completed within the the last three years and not from a workshop or other teacher instruction.
* Work cannot be exhibited in another show concurrently and must be for sale.
* To encourage artists growth, paintings should not have previously won any award in this or any other pastel society show.
* Paintings should be ready to hang by wire, no sawtooth hangers.
* All sales of artwork will be subject to a 25% commission on sales made during the exhibition. (PSNH is NOT taking a commission)
As described above, the artist will receive 75% of the proceeds from any artwork sold. Payment will be processed and issued directly from the Gallery at the Monadnock Center. They have a good sales history/practice: a sold painting may be taken immediately. All monies due the artist will be paid within 30 days after the close of the exhibition.
Consignment Agreement MUST BE SIGNED AND DELIVERED WITH YOUR ARTWORK on June 12. Downloadable Document: PDF
I understand that although all possible care will be taken for the safety of works on display, the Pastel Society of New Hampshire and the Monadnock Center for History and Culture, their officers or agents will not be responsible for damage or loss of any kind. Your entry through showsubmit.com validates waiver.
* We want to encourage new artists to participate, and have a unique award category *
Would you like to be considered for the “Hole in One award” or “PSNH Aspiring Artist Award , which recognizes an aspiring artist?
Qualification: A painter who has not yet received a prize or award for any of their paintings.
Submission and payment guidelines
All submissions are through www.showsubmit.com.
$35 for one painting. Payment is part of the show submit process. There is not an acceptance juror, all paintings are eligible.
If you are new to show submit please know it’s a free service to you: PSNH pays a fee to provide this easy submission service.
Any questions please contact: Paula Fraser PSNH Chair. Phone 508 341 5952
We would like to email out a list of members willing to deliver and pickup paintings.
Please contact Paula to add your name to the list:
Name: Paula Fraser
Location: Millis MA
Contact: pfraser8@yahoo.com
Name: ____________
Location: __________
Contact: ___________________
Looking for volunteer help in delivery/pickup, hanging and reception.
Call Paula Fraser 508 376 8734 with any questions, volunteering, etc.
Over $1700 cash and merchandise
Best in Show: $300
First Place General Membership: $250
First Place Signature Membership: $250
2nd Place: $200
3rd Place: $150
PSNH Abstract Award: $100
PSNH Still Life: $100
Judith McKenna Landscape Award: $100
Marilyn Bok Portrait Award: $100.
Sally Shea Hole in One Award: $100
(awarded to an artist that has never received an award.)
(awarded to an artist that has never received an award.)