Signature Membership

A member in good standing may apply to become a Signature Member after
earning 10 points from the following categories:
The earning of points is retroactive to 2010.
· 5 points--Best of (PSNH Juried) Show (includes jury into show pt.)
· 4 points--Second place (PSNH Juried) Show (includes jury into show pt.)
· 3 points--Third place (PSNH Juried) Show (includes jury into show pt.)
· 2 points--Any Award (PSNH Juried) Show (includes jury into show pt.)
· 1 point--Juried into Annual PSNH Juried Show
· 1 point--Best in PSNH Members Show
· 1 point--Juried into another National Pastel Show
(Includes Pastel Journal top 100)
PLEASE NOTE: Applicants must apply for Signature Membership.
The applicant must keep records and send copies of all documentation of earned points to the Membership Chair, Maggie Smith, who will be responsible for PSNH Signature Member record keeping. The applicant must be a member of PSNH while earning all points.
Once approved the applicant must remain a member in good standing to maintain a Signature Membership.
Benefits of Signature Members: May use the initials "NHPSA (NH Pastel Society Signature Artist) on their art work, publications, and biographies as long as they remain a member in good standing. May organize and participate in show only for Signature Members. May display additional artwork on the PSNH website in the "Signature Circle Members" section. May receive a discount for application fees for some PSNH shows.
Responsibilities of Signature Members: Promote pastel painting, mentor and assist newer members Participate in a demo or presentation for a members meeting. Offer critique at paint-outs or PSNH functions Organize and participate in Signature Members Show.
Responsibilities of Signature Members:
Promote pastel painting, mentor and assist newer members
Participate in a demo or presentation for a members meeting.
Offer critique at paint-outs or PSNH functions
Organize and participate in Signature Members Show.